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Cranmere Primary and Nursery School

Slipper Day 2024

It was a much quieter school day than normal on Wednesday; a definite absence of the usual clunk, clop, thud and click / clack, with many of the staff and children all wearing slippers. There was an unbelievable array of styles, from a classic suede moccasin, to tartan and velvet mules, to funky fluffy booties, to animal and hero print slip ons. It was lovely to see our pupils smiling and laughing whilst showing off their footwear attire.

Thank you to everyone who took part and who kindly donated. The school community raised £252.16 for the Put Youth Homelessness to Bed Campaign. This is a national campaign run by the Every Youth Organisation throughout the month of March, the aim being to celebrate the value of good sleep and ensuring every youth has the opportunity to thrive. More information about this commendable campaign and charity can be found at https://everyyouth.org.uk/put-youth-homelessness-to-bed/