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Cranmere Primary and Nursery School






Teaching team

Strawberries Class

Class Teachers:  Miss Baker

Classroom Assistants: Mrs Milazzo, Miss May

Ladybirds Class

Class Teachers:  Mrs Prideaux and Miss Morgan

Classroom Assistant: Mrs Boyle, Mrs Strong

Topic: All about me

Topic: All about me

This half term we will be reading some high quality picture books based around the themes of ourselves, our families and communities. Through the texts we will be exploring key questions around aspects of social and emotional development including "What does it mean to be a good friend?" , "How can I show kindness to others?" , "What does sharing really mean?". Children will be learning through play where opportunities to play harmoniously are scaffolded and modelled by the EYFS team.

The children will be learning about celebrations and cultural events including Halloween, Diwali, Bonfire Night and Christmas. Through these celebrations, children have access to resources and learning opportunities across the curriculum. We will be painting firework scenes in art and using phonic knowledge to write the sounds that fireworks make. For Diwali there are opportunities to dress up and role play, listen to Bollywood music and make Diva lamps. 

Reception will also be putting on a performance of 'The Nativity' for parents just before the Christmas break.


The Everywhere Bear

This half term we will be introducing the 'Everywhere Bear'!

Each class has a class bear who will be visiting families over the weekends. We hope to introduce and start sending the class bears home soon once the children have settled into school. More information to follow shortly. 


 Diary Dates

Reception performance of 'The Nativity' 

Upcoming Reception Trip


Welcome to our Reception Classes


Beginning of the school day

Once settled, Children are to be dropped off at the main school gate. Please ensure that any messages that need to be passed to class teachers are given via the school office rather than staff on the gate. Children will be supervised in the early years outdoor area from 8.30am by members of the Reception team. 

 Book Bag

Please bring your child's book bag to school everyday. We use the book bags to send home letters, home learning and reading books.  We would be grateful if you could make a note in your child’s reading record when you have heard them read and please sign when they have finished a book. The book bags are put by your child into boxes in the cloakroom. To help them do so independently please ensure the bag is emptied regularly and only has one small keyring if they wish to personalise it. Please note that we are not able to check the children's book bags everyday so please let us know if you have important letters in there or take them directly to the office. 

 Fruit Time

All children need to bring a bottle of water (only) to drink. The bottle should be labelled with your child’s name. Please try and avoid putting this in their bookbag. In the morning the children will have a piece of fruit from the ‘fruit free’ scheme.  


The Reception class currently have PE on a Tuesday and Wednesdays. Earrings cannot be worn for PE so if your child is not able to remove their earrings independently it would be helpful if they do not wear them on these days.   


The children in Reception eat lunch in the dinner hall at 11.15am. A drink is served with the school dinner. Those having packed lunch will need a separate small drink. Packed lunches should be brought in a bag or lunchbox labelled with the child’s name. All uneaten items will be returned in the lunchbox so you know what they have eaten.

After the children have eaten lunch they will go onto the playground. On cooler or cold days your child must bring a coat to school along with a warm hat, gloves and scarf. On warmer days your child will need a sunhat and sun cream which they will need to independently apply.

At the end of the day

Children should be collected from outside their classroom at 3.20pm. The children will collect their belongings and the teacher will send the children out to you. Please note that we will only release the children to their own parent unless a different arrangement has been communicated to the school office.

Outdoor explorers day

Every Friday pupils in Reception will take part in woodland outdoor learning activities. Pupils will wear school uniform as usual but will also need a water proof coat for rainy days and wellington boots. Wellington boots can be kept on the shelves outside the Reception classroom.

Contacting the class teachers

If you would like to speak to the class teacher, you can ring the school office and leave a message. If you wish to email your child's class teacher, please send the email to [email protected] and this will be forwarded to your child's class teacher.
