Teaching team
Pumpkins Class
Class Teacher: Miss Brand
Teaching Assistants: Miss Williams, Mrs Dinan
Goldfish Class
Teacher: Miss Frame
Teaching Assistant: Ms Chung
Welcome to Year 1. We hope you had a lovely Summer break.
We would like to remind all parents to ensure that any item brought into school by your child is clearly labelled e.g. items in PE kit, socks, water bottle, jumpers.
This term's topic
In Science the children will be naming, drawing and labeling parts of the human body and say which part of the body is associated with each sense.
In our Geography lessons, we will be learning what an aerial view is and how a cartographer draws a map using an aerial view. We will use symbols on our maps to represent the physical and human features and learn why it is important to use the compass points on a map.
In Art we will be sketching and painting self-portraits, developing our skills to draw parts of the face more accurately self-portraits.
In RE the children will be learning about why the Bible is important to Christians and discussing some of the stories it contains and what we can learn from them.
In our PE lessons, we will be teaching the children a variety of games, which develop team-building skills. We will also be exploring the effect of exercise on our bodies and the importance of warming up and cooling down.
Life skills: Being my best- What does it mean to be different? Similarities and differences between others and ourselves. Respecting those who are different. What makes us special? What am I good at? What does it feel like to be left out?
Computing: Technology around us: How we stay safe on the internet - In this unit we will think about what technology means and how we can use it in our everyday lives safely.
Music: The children will be learning about rhythm and pulse, copying and making our own musical patterns based on pictures.
Year 1
Welcome to our Year 1
Welcome to our Year 1 page. We have a really exciting year ahead of us this year with lots to look forward to.
Book Bag
Please bring your child's book bag to school everyday. We use book bags to send home letters, homework and reading books. Please ensure your child’s reading book and Reading Record is brought to school every day.
Please hear your child read each night and make note in their Reading Record. Book changeovers will take place on a Wednesday.
In Maths, our focus is number facts and subitising. They will be given a log in to NumBots which will help them to practise these skills.
Children are expected to read every night. When you hear your child read, please ensure you make a note in your child’s reading record. We would encourage parents to ask their child questions about what they read (different question types are stuck in reading records) to help them develop their comprehension skills.
Please send your child into school wearing their PE kit on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Please remember to send tracksuit bottoms and jumpers in to school for the colder months. Plimsolls are not needed, however your child can wear good fitting, secure trainers. If your child is unable to tie shoelaces, please provide Velcro fastened trainers for PE. Please ensure that all PE items are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
At the end of the day
- Parents wait and collect their children outside the classrooms.
- All children need to be collected by an adult. Please let the office know if collection arrangements change or if you are running late.
If you have any concerns, please come in and see us at the end of the day once all children have been dismissed, leave a message with the office or send us an email via the office to arrange a time to speak with us.
- Year 1 Spring Newsletter PDF
- Year 1 Spring Knowledge Organisers - compressed
- Y1 Knowledge Organisers - Autumn Term
- Y1 Newsletter - Autumn Term
Academic Year 2023/2024
- Combined knowledge organisers compressed
- Year 1 summer 2024
- Combined Knowledge Organisers - Y1 Spring 2024
- Year 1 Autumn 2023