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Cranmere Primary and Nursery School




Teaching team

Daffodils Class

Class Teacher: Miss Mahmood

Teaching Assistants: Mr Darcy

Sunflowers Class

Class Teacher: Mrs Kuhrt & Mrs Thompson

Teaching Assistants: Mr Chowdhury

This term's topic

Romans in Britain


Please continue to learn the x2, x3, x4 x5 and x10 tables and related division facts. 

Year 2

Welcome to our Year 2

Welcome to a fast, fun filled and challenging year ahead. 

We are looking forward to working closely with all our parents and carers to help the children grow in confidence, competence and become independent and motivated learners. We all aspire to help the children use all our school values both at school and home

There are so many ways you can help and that are greatly appreciated by us: whether it's reading and talking about books and stories with your child each night, helping with homework, baking for cake sales, offering your time to hear readers, help on school trips or supporting the Friends of Cranmere in their fund raising events. A big thank you!

This page is intended to give you an overview of the routines in Year 2, together with useful information such as timetables and topic webs. We will also post photographs and examples of work throughout the year. We hope that you will find it useful.

Book Bag

Please bring your child's book bag to school every day. We use book bags to send home letters, homework and reading books. Please ensure your child’s reading book and reading record book are brought to school EVERY day. We would be grateful if you could make a note in your child’s reading record when you have heard them read and please sign when they have finished a book. Books can be changed as soon as they have been read but we do check for a signature before allowing children to change their books.


Homework plays a vital role in helping children consolidate what they have learnt in class and it is really important that all children try to complete their homework each week independently. 

Each half term, the children will be given a Creative Homework Project to be collected in and shared in the last week of that half term. These tasks will give the children opportunities to learn in different ways and will focus on other areas of the curriculum. The Creative projects should be given at least 1 hour over the half term. These homework tasks can be found on the Year 2 Newsletters for each half term.


Both classes have PE on Wednesdays and Fridays.

It is crucial all children have their kit in school on these days. Earrings and watches cannot be worn for PE so if your child is not able to remove their earrings independently it would be helpful if they do not wear them on these days. Please ensure your child’s PE is clearly labelled with your child’s name.


Year 2 children eat lunch in the dinner hall at 12 noon. A drink is served with the school dinner. All children should bring a bottle of water that will then be accessible in the classroom during the day. Those having packed lunch will need a separate small drink. All children receive a free piece of fruit from the Government ‘fruit free’ scheme.

Packed lunches should be brought in a bag or lunchbox labelled with the child’s name. All uneaten items will be returned in the lunchbox so you know what they have eaten.

The Infant lunchtime runs from 12 noon until 1.00pm.


All children need to bring a labelled coat to school and you may need to supply a warm hat, gloves and scarf on cold days. Morning playtime is from 10.30am for 15 minutes.

At the end of the day

Parents wait and collect their children outside the playground door. The children will collect their coats and belongings and the teacher will bring the children out to you.

If your child is being picked up by another adult, or going home with another child you must inform the School Office.  We will not let your child go if we have not been informed of any changes.

We are always available to talk with you about any questions or concerns you may have. But please be aware that at the end of the day, our primary concern is ensuring the safety of the children. So we ask you that wait until all other children are dismissed, before speaking with us.

If you would like to arrange a meeting, either in person or on the telephone, please contact the Office and we will get back to you as soon as possible to arrange a meeting.
