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Cranmere Primary and Nursery School





Teaching team


Class Teacher: Miss Gray

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Nebuloni


Class Teacher: Mrs McGovern

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Young

This term's topic

Our current text - Beowulf
History - The Early British Empire
Geography - Mountains
Science - Materials


Website link for TTRockstars:


Website link for spelling / maths shed:



Home learning overview

Daily reading


Times tables

Half termly project - 

Year 5 Homework – Autumn 2

Create a poster encouraging people to look after the environment. You will need to give them ideas on how to do this. Think about reduce, reuse, recycle. Make your poster eye-catching to your audience.

Due in Friday 13th December

Year 5

Welcome to our Year 5

Welcome to our Year 5 page. There is much to look forward to across the next three terms and we aim to keep you updated throughout the year. Please check back regularly for updates and photos.


Our P.E. days this term are: Swallows - Thursdays and Fridays; Oceans - Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please could you ensure that children come to school wearing their PE kit and all clothing should be clearly named to avoid anything getting lost. When the weather is cold, the children should come in tracksuit bottoms and sweatshirts. 

Earrings should be removed for PE wherever possible. However, Mr Gilbert has confirmed that if the pupil has only recently had their ears pierced and cannot remove them, then it is allowed for them to put plasters over the earrings for PE rather than sit out.


Homework is an important part of the learning process, and we appreciate the time that you spend prompting and assisting your child with their homework. As you are aware, our homework policy has been updated.

Reading - children should read for 30 minutes every day and record this in their Home-School diaries. Their reading diaries will be checked every week by their teacher. Their reading homework can include Bug Club.

Spellings - the children are expected to practice their weekly spellings and complete two of the tasks and recorded in spelling homework books due in on Fridays. They may also practise on spelling shed.

Spellings will be tested each week on a Friday and new spellings will be introduced.

Times Tables - year 5 need to continue to practise their times tables every evening for 10 minutes they can use Times Tables Rockstars to facilitate this if they wish

Each half term, we will set a creative homework. Please see our termly newsletter for details of this.

Home-School diaries will be checked weekly on Mondays.


At the end of the day

All children need to be collected by an adult from outside the classroom, unless attending Clubland. If your child is being collected by a different adult or going home with another child, please inform the office in writing via a letter or email as we will not let your child go unless we or the office have been notified.

If you have any concerns, please come in and see us at the end of the day or contact the office to arrange a time to speak with us.
