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Cranmere Primary and Nursery School





Teaching team

Emperors Class:

Class Teacher: Miss Ali & Miss Hamilton

Teaching Assistants: Miss Holmes & Mrs Griffin

Amethysts Class:

Class Teachers: Mrs Holly

Teaching Assistant: Miss McLagan & Mrs T May

This term's topic

We will be updating this section soon.


Website links:





Spelling Shed:


Home learning overview

Autumn 1 2024

Create a two-minute presentation all about your favourite hobby or past time. This could include an organised after school activity (sports club, swimming club, scouts etc), it could be all about the musical instrument you are learning to play or it could be all about your favourite past time of reading, art, cycling in the countryside or bird watching. You decide – but make it something you are passionate about and use this as an opportunity to try to persuade others to try your activity for themselves. Your presentation should:

• last for approximately two minutes

• include an introduction about why you are interested/ what got you involved

• describe some of the things that you can do as part of your chosen activity. You might want to bring examples or equipment in to demonstrate to your friends.

To be presented: Monday 21st October 2024


Autumn 2:

To learn a poem by heart and perform to the class. Practice using expression, appropriate volume and pace.

To be presented: w/c Monday 9th December 2024

Year 6

Welcome to our Year 6

This is a busy, yet rewarding year for the children, where we hope to see them achieve their very best. We also endeavour to prepare all children for a very smooth transition towards the next phase of their lives: secondary school.


Homework is an important part of the learning process and we appreciate the time that you spend prompting and assisting your child with their homework. 

Reading - children should read for 30 minutes every day and record this in their Home-School diaries. Their reading diaries will be checked every week by their teacher. At this stage in their education, they may choose to write in their reading records themselves as evidence of this. We do ask that you listen and discuss the texts with your child, and that you sign the reading record at least once a week.

Comprehension booklets - Children are to work through the reading comprehension tasks in the booklet at their own pace, in an order of their choosing. Our expectation is that one task is completed each fortnight. We will ask the children to bring the booklets in on occasions to monitor.

Spellings - the children are expected to practice their weekly spellings and complete two of the tasks and recorded in spelling homework books due in on Fridays. They may also practise on spelling shed. Spellings will be tested each week on a Friday.

Times Tables - children need to continue to practise their times tables every evening for 10 minutes they can use Times Tables Rockstars to facilitate this if they wish. It is vital that the children know ALL their times tables and related division facts. These are very important in Year 6 as they speed up calculations across a range of topics in mathematics

Each half term, we will set a creative homework. Please see our termly newsletter for details of this.


Monday 12th May 2025 Spelling, punctuation and grammar test
Tuesday 13th May 2025 English reading test
Wednesday 14th May 2025

Mathematics arithemetic (paper 1)

Mathematics reasoning (paper 2)

Thursday 15th May 2025 Mathematics reasoning (paper 3)


Our P.E. days in Spring 1 2025 are Tuesday and Thursday. Please could you ensure that children come to school wearing their PE kit. When the weather is cold, the children should come in tracksuit bottoms and sweatshirts. 

Earrings should be removed for PE wherever possible. However, Mr Gilbert has confirmed that if the pupil has only recently had their ears pierced and cannot remove them, then it is allowed for them to put plasters over the earrings for PE rather than sit out.


At the end of the day

Parents wait and collect their children outside the classrooms. If your child is being collected by a different adult or going home with another child, please inform the office in writing via a letter or email as we will not let your child go unless we or the office have been notified

All children need to be collected by an adult unless we have written permission that your child can walk home.

If you have any concerns, please come in and see us at the end of the day or contact the office to arrange a time to speak with us.




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