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Cranmere Primary and Nursery School

Recovery / Catch-up Premium

Coronavirus Catch-up Premium Funding

Cranmere Primary School's allocation of total funding for this purpose was £33,840

At the end of 2020-2021, Cranmere had spent £20,756 with £13,087 remaining moving forward into 2021-2022.

How the grant is being spent:

This additional income has been spent by using employed supply teachers to deliver intervention groups to small numbers of pupils during the school day. This work is ongoing. In addition to this, Cranmere has been utilising the provisions of the National Tutoring Programme to deliver targeted interventions in literacy and maths to groups of  up to 3 children at a time over a period of 10 weeks.

How this will be assessed:

Each child identified for this programme will have their baseline ability measures recorded and they will have objectives and targets set by the class teacher before the additional tutoring begins. Periodically, throughout the programme, progress against these targets will be measured and recorded by the tutor so that the effectiveness of the targeted interventions can be monitored and adjusted if necessary.