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Cranmere Primary and Nursery School

Our Governors

The Role Of The Governing Body

The Ofsted framework provides for short inspections of schools like Cranmere which were judged good on their previous inspection. This inspection team will make graded judgements on the following areas, updated for 2019, to reflect a greater emphasis on the importance of the National Curriculum, i.e. everything our school teaches, not just the measured outcomes in English and Maths:

  • Quality of education (Teaching, learning and assessment, and Outcomes)
  1. Behaviour and attitudes
  2. Personal development
  3. Leadership and management

The governing body works together within a strategic framework called the School Development Plan (SDP) to systematically monitor progress towards improvement. Governors ensure that they are well informed and knowledgeable on budget, educational and welfare issues. They take and support hard decisions in the interests of pupils, take steps to facilitate honest and insightful self-evaluation and ask challenging questions focused on improvements.

Governors are not expected or required to be involved in the day to day management of the school. That is the responsibility of the Head Teacher. The governing body however does work in partnership with the Head Teacher and senior leadership team to ensure the best possible outcomes for all of our pupils.

Governors are part of a team and, unless delegated to do so, do not act autonomously. Confidentiality is of paramount importance and governors act in a safe and professional manner during all the school- associated activities, such as meetings, visiting the school, accompanying school trips or organising events.

Our current Governing Body members are shown on Edubase which can be accessed via this link

What we do

The full governing body meets once a term and is fully minuted by a dedicated clerk to the governors. The agenda for a full governing body meeting will include review of the school development plan with particular regard to pupil progress, a Head Teacher's report, and reports from the chairs of our committees. It may also include a short training session provided by an invited member of staff

At Cranmere we have two committees which have authority to propose polices for approval or actions to the full governing body. The committees meet once per term. Currently our committees are:

Resources. This committee combines the responsibilities of two former committees: Finance & Personnel and Building & Premises. We found that there was a degree of overlap, and we were concerned to minimise the time spent by the Head Teacher and School Business Manager, discussing the same items.

This committee rigorously sets and examines the budget with the School Business Manager and Head Teacher and takes it to the full governing body for approval. It also reviews staffing and training needs. It is also concerned with the fabric of the school and all health and safety issues. The School Business Manager is in attendance as the school’s Health and Safety officer. Regular safety inspections and fire drills are monitored by this committee.

Learning and Achievement. This committee is focused on pupil progress and the curriculum. Attendance and punctuality are reviewed at these meetings. The governing body places emphasis on the importance of regular and punctual school attendance. This is an area regularly monitored by Ofsted. We have presentations by teaching staff, most recently Science.

Strategy. This committee is only convened if necessary, to examine significant developments affecting the future of the school, e.g. the new building, and whether to become an academy. It would usually involve all governors.

Attendance by Governors

All our governors are expected to visit the school with a specific focus on a curriculum area or an aspect of welfare such as the wellbeing of pupils and enjoyment of school. These visits are structured and made in partnership with the head teacher.